Partner With Us
Each 18-minute episode of The Spin Axis (TSA) contains only one sponsorship, with:
- A live read by a host during the episode, up to 30 seconds long, with your prepared script or an ad-lib guided by your bullet points.
- A link and short description in each episode’s show notes (here on the site and in the podcast’s RSS feed and thus the listener’s podcast player).
We will reach engaged, serious golfers and instructors/coaches. Our sponsors include apps, training aids, technology (launch monitors, force plates, motion capture, and more), teaching tools, scheduling, travel, and more.
Our earliest episodes may be some of the most listened to, as our sponsors may be heard years from now when listeners re-listen to older episodes or new subscribers go back to when it all began. We will deliver consistent value and a strong response to sponsors that resonate with our audience.